My name is Maria M. Morrison and I'm a full stack web developer. I decided to get into web development after being in transportation for 13 years when my sister, who is a front end developer, pointed out to me that I would be good at it because I love logic and strategy games, and like most people have an idea for mobile apps. But I wasn’t going to be content with dreaming up mobile apps so I decided to do tutorials but after while came to the conclusion that I wanted and needed formal training. So I decided to drop everything and move from Ohio to Colorado to attend Galvanize to study web development. I'm a fan of Archer, Rick and Morty, movies and interesting UI/UX.


  • Built with Meteor and MongoDB this app crowd sources delays for drivers at the railroad, shipper or consignee.

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  • Two person chess game with chat feature built with Metor, MongoDB, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery and Heroku.

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  • A list of things to do in Denver that cost little or no money using Google oAuth and an API built with PostgreSQL.

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  • A single page app built with AngularJS that displays resources for web developers.

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  • A landing page for a phone app built with Bootstrap. It is practice for the upcoming Android app Quandry.

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  • A page for a fictional company used to practice web design, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.

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In Progress

I am working on learning the following:


AWS - Android SDK - AngularJS - Atom - Bootstrap - Bower - Chai - CSS3 - Express - Firebase - Full Stack - Git - Github - Heroku - HTML5 - InDesign - Jasmine - Java - JavaScript - jQuery - Meteor - Mocha - MongoDB - Node.js - Pivotal Tracker - PostgreSQL - Trello - Sketch - Web Developer